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Healthy Skin is more than Skin Deep


I have had issues with my skin since I was a teenager. My skin has changed over the years, but I've always struggled with acne, specifically hormonal acne. I have tried more topical products than you can count, which has proved that healthy skin isn't only achieved by a great cleanser or cream. Before I go on, I do want to acknowledge that naturally based, clean products DO make a difference. I have used naturally derived, vegan and paraben-free skincare and make-up for 5 years now and it is important what we put directly on our skin. It's also very important to wash our faces every morning, night and EXFOLIATE regularly!

Apart from what we put on our skin, what else can impact the appearance and health of our skin? Are we doomed by genetics alone to just have problem skin? The answers to attaining healthy skin are more complicated than many people think. I've searched for the answers most of my life from many different sources and research. And believe me, I understand your frustrations.

So after working with a Naturopath, studying holistic nutrition and years of personal experience, these are the things that ARE REALLY IMPACTING SKIN HEALTH:

  1. Genetics - This is always a factor, some people just had glowing, clear, beautiful skin. Sometimes this can change during the course of their life depending on other factors, sometimes not. Same goes with having unfavorable "skin genetics," some of us our predisposed to acne, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues and dry skin.

  2. Digestion - Experiencing an under-active stomach, allergies, leaky gut or emotional distress can all impact our digestion and ability to absorb nutrients. When our digestive tract is inflamed, this inflammation can show up in our parts of our body like our skin. Related to digestion and our gut is our liver, which can become sluggish or in need of detoxification.

  3. Healthy Fats - To get glowing skin, we need healthy fats in our diet. Seeds, Nuts, Fish, Avocado and Eggs all have omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that give our skin moisture and suppleness. Omega 3's also fight inflammation which can reduce redness or sensitivities.

  4. Hormones - This is a big one, especially for women. Hormonal acne is caused by imbalances of progesterone and estrogen during different times in our cycles. This balance can also be disturbed by our diet, stress or genetic factors.We can improve imbalances with changing our diets, supplementation

  5. Stress - We know stress increases cortisol which can disrupt our other hormones, increase blood sugar levels, interfere with digestion and sleep patterns. Incorporating de-stressing activities into your routine will benefit your mind and body.

  6. Hydration - Drink Your Water! Our skin needs water to keep hydrated and our body needs water in general to cleanse toxins.

  7. Vitamins & Minerals - There are certain vitamins and minerals that impact the appearance, elasticity and quality of our skin. When we are deficient in minerals like zinc, our skin is unable to heal as quickly and regenerate. Collagen is very popular to prevent wrinkles these days and Vitamin C is needed for the production of collagen.

  8. Sweat it Out - Exercise, saunas and yoga are great ways to sweat! Sweating is a natural detoxifying process for our skin. Exercise will also increase circulation which is great for cell turnover.

  9. Environment - When we are exposed to pollution or unclean surfaces (phones against our faces) these factors can play a part in our skin health. Keep your work supplies clean and get fresh air as much as possible during the day. Getting sunlight exposure is a great source of Vitamin D, but too much sun can expose our skin to harmful UVB/UVA rays which can cause pre-mature aging and susceptibility to skin cancer. Protect yourself with SPf in your moisturizer.

  10. Processed Foods - When we eat poorly, our skin reflects it. Our skin needs vitamins and minerals as mentioned above. What are skin doesn't need is over-consumption of sugar, hydrogenated fats, alcohol or caffeine. Some people (like me) also find that dairy is a contributing factor to acne, due to the whey protein.

I know it can be a lot to take in if you are struggling with a skin problem. You could be suffering from acne or irritated skin from one or all ten of these contributing factors! My advice is to make small changes and see what works best for you or consider seeing a professional who can give you more insight based on all of your associated symptoms.

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